When you're traveling, are you a foodie looking for the next delicious meal? Or are you more of an adventurer who seeks time outdoors? Do you prefer to connect with the arts? Or are you in it just to spend time with friends and family?

Take this quiz to find your personalized itinerary for your next getaway in Fresno County. (Keep a tally of your answers for to find your best itinerary at the bottom).  

Question 1: Why do you travel?

A: To try out foods I've never tried before.

B: To learn and connect with new cultures.

C: To find new thrilling adventures.

D: To make new memories with my group and meet new people.

Question 2: Which image speaks out to you the most when traveling?

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Question 3: Where would we find you during your trip?

A: Trying all the foods.

B: Checking out the local music scene.

C: On a hiking trail.

D: At an escape room with my friends/family.

Question 4: You just arrived to Fresno County and you're starving. What's for dinner?

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Question 5: What event do you HAVE to go to? 

A: Food festival

B: Live theater or philharmonic performance

C: Outdoor yoga class

D: Minor league baseball game

Question 6: How do you plan your travel?

A: I plan out every detail weeks ahead of time including which restaurant, tour, or any event to attend.

B: I just have a rough itinerary but I mostly play by ear.

C: Just give me a map and I'll be good.

D: I just follow whoever I'm going with.

Question 7: How do you capture your travel memories?

A: I take plenty of photos and videos on my phone.

B: I jot everything down in my journal.

C: I like having keepsakes and souvenirs I find along the way.

D: I don't really keep anything physical, the memories I make in front of me matter the most.

Question 8: Which image represents your favorite way to relax? 

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If you answered mostly A's, you're The Foodie Traveler! You love to broaden your horizons when it comes to food and trying new and different flavors. Your favorite spots in Fresno County would include our weekly Old Town Clovis Farmers Market, checking out local favorite food truck, Where's The Food, and one of our many farm-to-table restaurants, The Annex Kitchen. Find more foodie adventures in Fresno County here.

If you answered mostly B's, you're The Culturist Traveler! You love to learn about new cultures and indulge in the local atmosphere. Your favorite Fresno County spots would include our Downtown Fresno Mural District, the historical Clovis Museum, and Jazz Tuesdays at The Fulton! Learn more about Fresno County's arts and culture scenes here.

If you answered mostly C's, you're The Adventurist Traveler! You are always on the go and seeking the next best thrill ride. Your favorite Fresno County spots would include the Grant Grove Trail in Kings Canyon National Park or lounging by Shaver Lake for breathtaking views. Find more local trails and outdoor experiences here.

If you answered mostly D's, you're The Memory-Making Traveler! Although the trip itself is fun, there is nothing more important to you than spending time with the people you went with and the new people you met along the away. Your favorite Fresno County spots would include the Fresno Chaffee Zoo, roller skating at United Skates Clovis, or exploring our Forestiere Underground Gardens. Check out more Fresno County attractions here.