The Clovis Museum display and maintain pictures and artifacts of Clovis M. Cole, the Wheat King of the United States during the 1880-1890's; photos and articles of Marcus Pollasky, a key developer of the Clovis Township; original portion of the 1893 Fresno Flume and Irrigation, which brought lumber and water from Shaver Lake; Indian artifacts; early day pictures and information of over 400 Clovis area families; 1903-1965 graduation pictures of Clovis High School students and school annuals for those years; history of the 1912 First State Bank and their 1924 bank robbery; Clovis Veterans display of WW I, WW II, Korea, Vietnam, and the Desert Wars; memorabilia of Ken "Festus" Curtis of "Gunsmoke", and much, much, more.
The Historical Society recreates the infamous 1924 bank robbery by "The Lone Wolf" and "The Owl" on the last Saturday of February each year.