
Fishing enthusiasts get ready to find scenic lakes, winding rivers, and serene reservoirs. Whether you're a pro at fishing or casting your first line, our diverse fishing destinations offer a great catch! Explore the thrill of reeling in your fish in Fresno County.

Local Lakes

Just outside of Fresno and Clovis, you'll find local lakes and reservoirs with excellent fishing. These lakes see a lot of boat traffic during the summer months. Both bodies of water host professional and semi-professional bass tournaments annually.

Sierra Nevada Lakes

There are multiple lakes within a 1-2 hour drive into the Sierra Nevada mountains from Fresno and Clovis. Popular among fishermen and boaters are Shaver Lake and Huntington Lake. Higher up in elevation, Courtright and Wishon Reservoirs offer a place to fish with less traffic from recreational swimming and boating. In the lower elevations of Kings Canyon National Park is Hume Lake.


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