Man enjoying view of mountain trees and clouds on a mountain top


Meet Rei Hotoda: Music Director of the Fresno Philharmonic

For Rei Hotoda, music goes beyond the notes on a page and the sounds that echo through an auditorium. To her, music is a reflection of a community and the diversity within it. Hotoda has been the Music Director of the Fresno Philharmonic since 2017. She began playing the piano at three years old…

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Top Artisan Shops in Fresno County

Start off the New Year by celebrating Art Month in Fresno County! Artisan makers and their entrepreneurial spirit are what make the area a great place to find unique, handmade goods. Here are some of the top artisan stores to shop during your visit: River Park's Art Groove Gallery Location: River…

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24 Things to Do in Fresno County in 2024

Hello, 2024! If Fresno County isn't on your bucket list, it should be. Here you'll get to see California with a different view. While we could go on and on about all the things there are to do in the area, we've narrowed it down to 24 that you don't want to miss this year. 1. Forestiere Underground…

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Experience Fresno County's History & Architecture

Calling all history buffs! Fresno County has a rich history that our community continues to keep alive to this day. Discover the county's heritage and historical architecture when you visit these spots: Warnors & Frank's Place Location: 1400 Fulton St, Fresno, CA 93721 Say hello to the crown jewel…

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Fresno Rogue Festival 2023: A Celebration of Artistic Freedom

The 2023 Rogue Festival runs from March 3-5 and March 9-11. Every year in Fresno, artists gather to share their talents at a festival unlike any other. The Fresno Rogue Festival is a celebration of independent and original performers, artists and creatives from all over the world. During the first…

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Top Instagram spots in Fresno

Lydia Johnson knows a thing or two about the top instagram-worthy spots in the Fresno/Clovis area. Her captivating instagram account @lyddiebit showcases the area with artful images of her posing before murals, architecture, and landscapes, often bringing new perspective to featured locations. “I’ve…

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